Arctic Studies and Mills Hall
Project # 2433
Emergency Response Plan
In the event of an emergency the following policy will be adhered to for the safe evacuation of the Project. An immediate call will be made to Emergency 911. Project information for the call is – Bowdoin College- Mills Hall/Arctic Studies, College St., Brunswick, ME.
(Note: If calling from a cell phone you may be reaching the State Police and not the Brunswick Police)
A Consigli representative will be dispatched to the construction site gate/entrance to meet the responding Emergency Personnel and advise the individual in charge of the location of any chemicals or hazardous substances that may be present on any of the floors. SDS’s will be readily available if needed by the Fire Dept.
In the event of a serious injury requiring the assistance of EMS the injured worker will be kept as comfortable as possible. Emergency first aid if necessary, will be administered. Under no circumstances will the injured person be moved unless the worker’s life is in danger because of fire or calamity. A worker will be assigned to meet the medical personnel at the main entrance gate.
In the event an evacuation is required all personnel at this job site will assemble at the muster point, see evacuation plan.
The foreman for each company will meet at that location and take a count of their staff. If for some reason a worker is unaccounted for, the fire department will be notified of the last location where the worker was observed.
The following situations are considered emergency response actions and should be handled in accordance with the procedures outlined in this plan.
- Serious Injury/Fatalities
- Fire/Explosion
- Structural Damage/Collapse
- Weather or Geological Event
- Environmental Incident
- Traffic Disruption
- Utility Damage
- Illegal Activity
- Labor Problems
- Bomb Threats/Threats of Violence
- Acts of Terrorism
The following is a list of the Chain of Command/Call Hierarchy on the project for establishing lines of succession during communication involving all emergencies.
Back– End of Emergency Response Plan
Emergency Contact Names and Numbers
1st Call: 911
Bowdoin College Police Dept.: (207)725-3314
Additional Consigli Contacts/Calls:
2nd Call: Consigli Project Superintendent: Lee Follett (207)232-8919 or Kevin McDonough (617)692-0467
3rd Call: Bowdoin College Ex. Dir., Program Mgt.: Donald Borkowski (207)725-3947
4th Call: Consigli Project Manager: Eric Bottaro (202)268-2448
5th Call: Consigli Safety Director: Bryan Kingsbury (508)808-9359
6th Call: Consigli Safety Manager: Skip Boucher (207)217-7254
Back–End of Emergency Contact Names and Numbers
Medical Facilities
Midcoast Hospital
123 Medical Center Dr.Brunswick, ME 04011
Back– End of Medical Facilities
Site Safety Plan
Scope of Proposed Operations:
Purpose: The purpose of this Site Specific Safety and Health Program is to illustrate Consigli’ s approach to identifying project specific hazards and controls and describe how they are managed through a comprehensive Safety and Health Program. This site specific safety plan will work in conjunction with the Consigli Safety Program as well as all applicable Bowdoin College requirements.
Contractor Orientation: Upon arrival of all site crew members completion of the Consigli Construction site orientation, that will review all elements of the Consigli Safety Program, is required. Once all orientation and initial training is completed Consigli hardhat stickers will be issued.
S.A.F.E.: Staying Accident Free Every Day is the Safety Mission that forms the very foundation of the Consigli Safety Culture. The S.A.F.E. mission, which is supported by technology, (Predictive Solutions internal auditing instrument which identifies and defines leading indicator related information.) Weekly Predictive Solutions inspections will be uploaded to SCOPE; Leadership (Empowering our team members to assure safe projects); Humanization (Protect the ones you love by protecting yourself); Jobsite Gym (Morning warm-up stretch program); Training (Integrating sub-contractors into the Consigli Safety Culture); and Lean (nothing hit the ground), is the driving force behind Consigli’ s drive to our vision – ZERO. ZERO is the philosophy that all accidents are preventable and that no accident is acceptable. The S.A.F.E. mission is the guiding force to achieving the Consigli Safety Vision which is ZERO.
Logistics/Access/Traffic Management: Main construction access will be restricted to routes pre-determined by Bowdoin College, Town of Brunswick, and Consigli. All contractors will be responsible for adhering to campus restrictions and regulations in regards to driving, parking and delivering materials. Strict adherence to posted speed limits and parking locations is required. Pedestrians will be given the right of way at all times. Parking will be designated in pre-determined contractor parking locations and reviewed during orientation. Pedestrian access through the campus must be kept clear.
The main construction entrance will be located off Sills Drive with a gate into the site erected to control access.
Fire Department Access: Brunswick fire and emergency will have access to the project through the main construction entrance.
Security: Bowdoin College Police patrol campus 24/7. The campus police / public safety office is located at Rhodes Hall.
Designated work hours (any work outside these hours must have prior CCC approval): All work shall take place during business hours, Monday – Friday 7:00am to 3:30pm, any work which may need to take place outside of these hours will need to be approved by the CCC Superintendent and the Project Management team.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA): A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be conducted for each identifiable feature of work to be performed. The JSA shall be submitted to Consigli superintendent/supervisor. At a minimum the JSA shall be reviewed weekly. More frequent review shall be necessary as tasks change. The JSA shall be reviewed with all involved personnel performing that particular task and signed by all workers including their supervisor.
Excavations: Excavations will be required for footing and foundation work. Any ledge will require stabilization and fall protection at the upper grade. All required permitting will be obtained before any excavating is to begin. If necessary, tabulated data/engineering for shoring and shielding systems will be obtained and available on site at all times when in use. All excavations will be inspected by a competent person on a daily basis. Written excavation inspections will be done if/when the excavation exceeds 5’.
- Dig Safe Notification/utility locator – number/report will be posted in office
- City or Town permit requirements (DPW & Town Hall) if needed.
- Soil onsite shall be pre-characterized for contaminants prior to any export from site. S.W. Cole is the site LSP (Licensed Site Professional)
- Copies of soil engineering and tabulated data sheets for all trench boxes or other shoring/shielding systems brought on site will be provided to CCC and be kept in construction office
- This project will require the use of an installed, engineered Support of Excavation (SOE) system for the safe access to multiple levels of underground foundation work.
- Areas to be excavated may find abandoned portions of an old foundation and associated utilities. If material is found, testing may be required.
Utility Exposures: Utility locations shall be determined by Dig-Safe (811) and any “as-built” drawings for any excavation to be conducted (will be minimal in nature) on the Bowdoin College property. If excavation nears identified utility lines, workers must hand dig to find the exact location of the utility in question. The utilities may need to be supported in order to insure their continued, safe operation. This determination will be made by a competent person.
**Review Chapter 19 for more detail
Fall Protection: The work on this project will require work at height. The majority of this work will be performed during deep excavation, foundations, steel erection, and roof work. Fall protection will primarily be accomplished with the use of Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS) and guardrails. Other work at height may include work from scaffold platforms and ladders. All fall protection for work performed on scaffolds will be required at a height of 6 feet or greater. All scaffold erectors will maintain the ability to have fall protection by donning a harness and lanyard at all times during erection. The roof will be reviewed for any leading edges and fall protection will be used/installed as required.
Holes greater than 2” will be covered with acceptable material (3/4 plywood ½ steel) which will be secured and marked hole (cover must be able to withstand four times the intended load). Covers will stay in place until the hole/penetration has been filled. Toe boards are required to be installed any time in which there is a risk for materials to be knocked off an edge. These shall be installed per OSHA specifications.
**Review Chapter 13 for more detail
Work on Ladders: All work on step ladders/straight ladders will be done correctly per manufacturer’s recommendations. Any worker who is on a step/straight ladder and could be exposed to a fall greater than the height of their work on the ladder (i.e. working by an open window or at a balcony edge.) will be required to utilize personal fall arrest system (PFAS) secure to structure overhead. Step ladders will not be used as a form of access to a walking /working level, also all straight ladders will be secured when installed for use. Only ladders with a rating Type 1A or 1AA will be allowed on Consigli projects. Ladders use shall be reviewed in the JSA with alternative methods (scaffold, lift, etc.) considered to reduce hazards associated with ladder use.
Scaffold and elevated work platforms: All scaffolds, supported frame, pipe staging and aerial lift platforms will be inspected daily before each shift by a competent person designated by each individual contractor who will be using it, which will be documented on posted inspection tags, or, in the case of lifts, on the inspection checklist. A scaffold checklist will be provided by CCC to each subcontractors designated persons to aid them with their daily inspection. All contractors who will be erect scaffold will provide CCC with certification/Qualification of scaffold erection training as well as an erection/dismantling plan. Fall protection is required 100% during erection/dismantling. Overhead protection will be provided for all access points at any buildings which are located under any form of scaffolding. At a minimum, fall protection is required at 6’ on all scaffolds on Consigli projects. It is anticipated that a rolling “baker” style scaffold may be used on this project. For mobile scaffolds on Consigli projects, the rules are stricter: guardrails are required at 4’. Mobile scaffolds with a work platform set at a height to base ratio greater than two to one will require outriggers. Mobile scaffolds must have the wheels locked when in use.
** Please review chapter 14 for additional details.
Aerial/Scissor Lifts: When lifts are to be used onsite, the area, slab, and/or ground conditions, in the intended work area, will be inspected for overhead power lines, sink holes, covers, or any other unsafe conditions which cause an unsafe incident. Scissor lift use is fully expected on the 3rd floor. Aerial/scissor lifts will be inspected daily before each shift by a competent person designated. All who will be performing work from an aerial/scissor lift will show documented proof of training prior to using the lift. This training will be documented with the workers orientation paperwork. Fall protection is required in the form of a PFAS is required in all aerial and scissor lifts and will be attached to the manufacturers prescribed anchor point. If applicable, steel plates or equipment mats will be placed on the ground above any utility/ steam tunnel if there will be Aerial lifts operating on them. Workers will be tied off at all times when using an aerial lift.
Chemical and Materials/GHS: All Materials and chemicals used on-site will have Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provided before being brought onsite. Safety Data Sheets shall be available to all workers onsite for review.
- All SDS shall be readily accessible.
- SDS will be kept on file in Consigli Field Office
- Labeling of materials will match the identifier on the SDS.
- All workers will receive training as a part of their orientation as to the location of the SDS.
** Please review chapter 20 for additional details.
Fire Protection: When hot-work is required the Consigli hot work permit program will be implemented. During the Hot Work issuing process, alternative methods shall be reviewed to reduce the need for hot work activities. The hot work program will be be coordinated through Consigli Construction and Somerville Fire (if needed.) The Consigli “Hot Work Permit” will be completed prior to the start of any hot work. All hot work will stop 60 minutes before the regular end of the day work stoppage. A fire watch, equipped with a 10lb dry chemical extinguisher, will be used as necessary during hot work activities.
Flammables will not be stored inside the building or left overnight on the scaffold or in the building. All combustible or flammable materials will be stored in an appropriately rated lockable cabinet located no closer than 50 feet from the nearest structure. Fire extinguishers will be provided for every 3000 square feet. They will be installed on job made stands and conspicuously located throughout. They will be part of the daily inspection with extinguisher log completed monthly. All penetrations leading outside of the construction area will be fire stopped using approved fire rated material prior to the end of each shift. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on the Bowdoin College Campus.
**Review Chapter 17 for more detail.
Electrical: All electrical tools, cords and equipment must be in good working order. To that end, all electrical tools and components must be visually checked on a daily basis. Any tools with damaged cords or damaged cords must be taken out service… All cords must be equipped with a ground pin, flat three wire cords are not allowed. SJO and SJT or other similarly rated cords only shall be used. The electrician will be responsible for all temp power and any temp lighting that may be needed. All temporary power for the project will be installed on protected and dedicated circuits with 100% GFCI protection. GFCI will be tested by the electric contractor weekly to assure proper function with a log book filed with CCC monthly. When existing power is used, a GFCI “pigtail” shall be added to the receptacle if not already equipped. No live electrical work will be conducted.
**Review Chapter 26 for more detail
Cranes: Crane use is expected on this project. From “boom truck” delivery cranes, hydraulic cranes, to the lattice boom crane for steel erection and mechanical equipment, there will be cranes used for the work. Cranes will require independent annual 3rd party inspections and will be utilized for operation only after detailed lift plans are submitted. It is anticipated that these cranes will all be hydraulic. In the event that a lattice boom crane is utilized, or in the case of the tower crane, then the crane must get an on-site 3rd party inspection once the crane is assembled, prior to operation.
There is a requirement to assure that certified riggers, signalmen, and crane assemblymen are utilized. All picks are to be done by a licensed operator. As previously mentioned, a detailed pick plan will be required to assure that no picks are critical in nature. Critical picks are defined as those involving 2 cranes lifting simultaneously, a pick that is over 75% of capacity, a pick that involves the lifting of a man basket, or any other lift that is deemed to involve special conditions. Location and set up will be reviewed with crane operator prior to set up and pick. All lifting operations will require that the operator and any involved contractors follow the steps listed below as well as in CCC Crane Safety policy.
1. All Hoisting equipment will have an up to date 3rd party inspection certificate with the equipment which will be copied and filed in the office trailer.
2. All lattice boom cranes will have an independent 3rd party inspection completed each time one is set up on the project, after assembly and prior to operation.
3. All equipment operators will be required to have in their possession all appropriate licensing and training as required by OSHA.
4. All underground vaults and existing utilities will be identified before any crane is set up and their location shown on the crane lift plan.
5. Documented rigging equipment inspections.
6. Documented daily crane inspections filed with CCC weekly.
7. Documented rigger and hand signalman training will be provided.
8. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) providing crane to get a FAA permit depending on height of crane.
** Please review chapter 24 for additional details.
Confined Space: A written plan will be needed to work in any tanks/vaults and crawl spaces during this project which have been designated permit confined spaces by CCC, this plan must include air monitoring. Underground vaults are scheduled to be partially demoed during this work.
** Please review chapter 21 for additional details.
Designated First Aid Plan: All injuries no matter how minor must be reported to Consigli Superintendent immediately. The superintendent will then report all injuries to the CCC Safety Director and Project Management. A fully stocked first aid kit and bloodborne pathogens kit shall be maintained on the project site. Only properly trained personnel will administer first aid. Consigli Construction shall follow Site Safety Plan for first Aid.
** Please review chapter 1 and 27 for additional details.
Substance Abuse: As a condition of employment, all Consigli/Riggs personnel are required to submit to a urinalysis test for determination of the presence of illegal substances. A positive result will disqualify the applicant for employment on this project.
Evacuation Plan and Routes of Egress: Please refer to the Evacuation Plans that are posted on the project. All Consigli employees shall attend the Project Safety Orientation. Consigli Construction’s Job Supervisor will conduct a safety orientation talk to each employee and subcontractor to site specific fire safety protocols. The evacuation procedures will be covered during the Safety Orientation. Routes of egress will be updated on the evacuation plans as construction activities require.
Emergency Management Response: In the event of an Emergency the construction workers shall leave the building immediately. Point of assembly/muster shall be on the site evacuation plan. In the Event of a DISASTER, the Superintendent shall instruct the construction workers to leave the site or remain in place and await further instruction. The following steps should be taken in the event of an emergency
When reporting an emergency, please provide the following:
• Your location Bowdoin College, College St., Brunswick, phone number, and name;
• The location of the incident (building name (Coles Tower).
• Nature and extent of the incident (injury, accident, spill, smoke/fire, damage, etc.);
• The name and amount of the material spilled (if applicable); and
• The safest route to the spill (if applicable).
** Please review chapter 8 for additional details.
Minimum Site Safety Training Requirements: All Consigli workers, and any subcontractors, shall have, at a minimum, an OSHA 10 Hour Construction Safety Outreach training certificate and shall provide documentation of training.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All CCC and subcontractor workers will wear hard hats, safety glasses, high visibility clothing (lime green), safety toed shoes/boots, and gloves at all times. All workers will wear hardhats and clothing that identifies the contractor employer and is clean and professional. All personnel performing work with their hands shall be required to wear gloves that are a minimum of ANSI cut resistance level 6 or higher as required by the task (i.e. metal or glass work). Face shields will be required for all personnel who are performing overhead work, using metal chop saw or any type of metal grinding. All welders will be required to have hard hats with integral welding shields.
Restricted Areas: Contractors are prohibited from entering any adjacent areas of the buildings on the campus unless work has been previously authorized and scheduled. It is important that workers do not park in/in front of adjacent driveways during construction or for deliveries. All workers will try to limit their impact on surrounding areas. Workers badges will be restricted to the level of training that they have completed.
Materials Management: Getting materials into and out of the project will be a challenge that needs to be adequately planned. All deliveries are to be scheduled with the Consigli Superintendent. A comprehensive Activity Hazard Analysis shall be done on all materials that will be hoisted and placed into/onto the building.
Lean requirements/Materials Management/Housekeeping: Getting materials into and out of the project will be a challenge that needs to be adequately planned. All deliveries are to be scheduled with the CCC Superintendent. A comprehensive Activity Hazard Analysis shall be done on all materials that will be hoisted and placed into the building. Only materials which will be used/installed within three days’ time will be delivered to the site. Attention must be paid to structural analysis in regards to loading existing floors with material and equipment. Movement of all materials over 8ft. will require 2 workers.
Listed below are additional Lean requirements
- No materials shall be delivered to the site earlier than 3 days before said materials are to be installed/put into place. If materials have to be delivered before that 3 day time period, subcontractor shall get prior approval from Consigli Superintendent. Because of this, notification / scheduling is required for all deliveries to the site. Subcontractors must notify Contractor at least 24 hours in advance. Contractor has the right to refuse any deliveries not properly scheduled or due to logistical constraints as necessary.
- All subcontractors’ delivered materials shall be placed on wheeled carts, wheeled racks or in wheeled bins so as to necessitate easy relocation in the event materials need to be moved. Carts, racks, or dollies shall not exceed manufacturers intended weight loads. Materials/tools can be delivered and stored on pallets only if pallet jacks are delivered simultaneously with said delivery to provide for ready mobility. Additionally, pallet jacks need to remain in immediate area. Each subcontractor will need to supply their own pallet jacks for their own materials and keep their pallet jack within reasonable distance at all times.
- All work stations shall be provided with wheeled trash bins for immediate placement of all debris produced as a part of the subcontractors operations. All trash will be immediately placed in wheeled containers provided by Consigli. All trash bins shall be covered when not in use.
- The wheel of rolling carts and bins shall receive be disinfected prior to entry into any clean environments.
- All subcontractors shall use appropriate equipment and wheeled carts when moving material or removing trash from a building. Any damage caused by the Subcontractor shall be repaired at the cost of the Subcontractor. Back charges will be appropriately assessed for the cost of the repairs. No trash or materials shall be left on the floor.
- Subcontractors shall, where feasible, elevate all electrical extension cords, hoses, or cables – removing them from all walking/working surfaces. Electrical Cords, when elevated shall be supported or suspended in a manner that does not subject them to damage.
- Storage of delivered materials in cardboard containers shall be discouraged. When materials must stay in cardboard containers, said containers shall be removed from the projects immediately after product is unpacked.
- Subcontractor will participate in schedule development meetings as required by Consigli.
Back– End of Site Safety Plan
Environmental Emergency Contact and Management Response
Consigli identified Emergency Response Subcontractor;
Name: Cyn Environmental Services, Inc. (781)341-1777
100 Tosca Drive Stoughton, MA 02072
Silica: Any activity which can produce silica dust will use engineering controls to keep dust to a minimum. A written exposure plan must be developed for all silica producing tasks that clearly defines the following: 1) A description of the tasks in the workplace that involve exposure to respirable crystalline silica; 2) A description of the engineering controls, work practices, and respiratory protection used to limit employee exposure to respirable crystalline silica for each task; 3) A description of the housekeeping measures used to limit employee exposure to respirable crystalline silica; and 4) A description of the procedures used to restrict access to work areas, when necessary, to minimize the number of employees exposed to respirable crystalline silica and their level of exposure, including exposures generated by other employers.
There will be no dry cutting of any masonry material allowed; if water cannot be used then a dustless vacuum system consisting of HEPA dustless vacuum system will be used. Prior to the project going full scale an exposure assessment of a worker grinding and cutting masonry while using the HEPA system an exposure assessment will be done so as to establish the silica exposure level. No respirators will be issued without the express consent of the Consigli Safety department. Nuisance mask like an N95 if used will be on a voluntary basis and at no time will these types of mask be issued to the workers.
Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s (PCBs): There has been no determination as to the presence or absence of PCBs.
** Please review chapter 29 for additional details
Mold: Mold issues are not anticipated to be prevalent on this project, however if mold is discovered, Consigli’s mold remediation policy will be implemented and followed.
** Please review chapter 22 for additional details
Noise: Noise exposure will also be a concern so all deliveries must be coordinated with the Consigli Superintendent to limit their impact on the surrounding areas. Normal working hours will be 1 shifts Mon-Fri. Any contractor who may need to work late must first seek approval from the Superintendent. Noise levels will be monitored when high levels of noise could be expected to assure that noise levels do not exceed acceptable OSHA levels. Consigli permissible noise policy and procedures will be followed.
** Please review chapter 29 for additional details
Equipment issues: All operators will be required to have in their possession all appropriate licensing and training as required by OSHA. All safety devices and warning alarms must be in good working order and all leaks are to be repaired immediately. All equipment will be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations for safe usage and have its operators manual as well as an extinguisher with it at all times. Subcontractors who will have equipment on site will be responsible for having a spill kit available at all times.
** Please review chapter 24 for additional details
Exposure to the Visitors, Staff and Residents: During construction, some of the pedestrian walkways around the project will be open and occupied. Any pedestrian walkway which finds itself under any type of scaffold or overhead hazard will be provided with overhead protection. At no time is any worker allowed to enter any of the adjacent buildings unless they have a scope of work to complete inside the building. Non fraternization with staff, visitors, or students will be stressed with all subcontractor personnel during orientations. Loud and profane language or clothing with offensive language will not be allowed on the jobsite. Extra efforts must be made to keep noise to a minimum.
Adjacent Property: All efforts will be made to ensure that property adjacent to the work, area remains un-impacted. It is anticipated that all work will be in the designated work areas. Any deviation from that will require consultation with Bowdoin College personnel and the Consigli Superintendent.
Safety Spot Recognition Plan: The purpose of this plan is to instantly recognize workers “on the spot” for working safely and to reward those workers immediately. This will assist CCC reduce the complacency of workers on all of our projects. Members from the CCC and project teams (Supers, PM, APM, PE, OPM, Architect, Owners, etc..) will be provided with $5 Dunkin Donut gift cards (or similar) prior to their walk on site. They are to present these cards to workers who are working safely and or those taking additional steps to work safely.
After issuing the card, the name and hard hat sticker number of the worker as well as a brief description of what they were doing will be documented in a log that will be maintained in the field office. This shall be completed at a minimum of three times a week. It is required that different field staff take turns in issuing the cards to workers in the field. Also required will be the communication of who is be recognized to other sub-contractors/workers through foreman meetings and daily stand up meetings. At the end of the project the sub-contractor who has had the most workers recognized will receive an appropriate acknowledgment from CCC as well as some type of reward that is to be determined by CCC field staff.
Planning: The project team, as well as Consigli safety department, will meet with each subcontractor before they start to review their Site Specific Safety and Health Program and all project specific Job Hazard Analyses. The project team shall be an integrated mix of owner, architect, engineer and Consigli Construction personnel. After reviewing the programs and meeting with the individual subcontractor, if the team is satisfied with the risk control direction, they will be permitted to begin work.
All individuals working on this project will go through a comprehensive Safety Orientation which will cover all company safety rules regulations and procedures as well as communicating Bowdoin College specific requirements.
All personnel working on site shall have documentation of an OSHA 10 Hour Construction Safety Outreach Training minimally.
Fraternization between construction employees and project owners, residents, or visitors will not be permitted.
COVID 19: Please refer to separate Site Specific COVID 19 Plan developed for this project.
Back– End of Environmental Emergency Contact and Management Response