Site Specific Safety and Health Program

Project #1987 – WPI – Washburn Lab
100 Institute Road Worcester, MA 01609


Emergency Response Plan


The following situations are considered emergency response actions and should be handled in accordance with the procedures outlined in this plan.

• Fire/Explosion
• Serious Injury/Fatalities
• Structural Damage/Collapse
• Weather or Geological Event
• Environmental Incident
• Utility Damage
• Illegal Activity
• Labor Problems
• Bomb Threats/Military Ordinance Unearthing/Acts of Terrorism

In the event of an emergency the following policy will be adhered to for the safe evacuation of the Project. An immediate call will be made to Emergency 911. Project information for the call is – 100 Institute Road Worcester, MA 01609 (Note: If calling from a cell phone you may reach the State Police and not the Local Police)

A Consigli representative will be dispatched to the entrance to the project at: 100 Institute Road Worcester, MA 01609 to meet the responding Emergency Personnel and advise the individual in charge of the location of any chemicals or hazardous substances that may be present on any of the floors. SDS’s will be readily available if needed by the Wocester Fire Dept.

In the event of a serious injury requiring the assistance of Worcester EMS the 100injured worker will be kept as comfortable as possible. Emergency first aid, if necessary, may be administered. Under no circumstances will the injured person be moved unless the worker’s life is in danger because of fire or calamity.

In the event an evacuation is required all personnel at this job site will assemble outside of the work area at the designated Muster Point. The foreman for each company will meet at that location and take a count of their staff. If for some reason a worker is unaccounted for, the fire department will be notified of the last location where the worker was observed.

The following is a list of the Chain of Command/Call Hierarchy on the projectfor establishing lines of communication for all emergencies.

Back End of Emergency Response Plan



Emergency Contact Names and Numbers

First call: 911 Fire or Police
2nd Call: Consigli Project Superintendent: Ben Harrington (774)573-6785
3rd Call: Consigli Project Manager: Neil Callahan (774)573-9307
4th Call: Consigli Project Engineer: Michael Baker (774)573-9937
5th Call: Consigli Safety Director: Bryan Kingsbury (508)808-9359

• Consigli Project Executive: Mark Morrow (774)573-9145
• Consigli General Superintendent: Dean Archambault (508)958-0138
• Consigli Safety Manager: N/A
• Worcester Police – Non-Emergency (508)799-8466 – Non-Emergency
• Worcester Fire – Non Emergency (508)799-3473
• Nick Palumbo – (617)212-1841

Back End of Emergency Contact Names and Numbers



Medical Facilities

Occupational Health: Reliant Medical Group Occupational Health
222 Boston Turnpike Shrewsbury, MA 01545

UMass Memorial Medical Center
119 Belmont St, Worcester MA 01605(508)

Back End of Medical Facilities



Site Safety Plan

Scope of Proposed Operations: Renovations to the former 2-level reactor space in Washburn hall including basement and first floor. Scope includes fit out of research labs, light laser room, finish upgrades and MEP work (HVAC, electrical, plumbing and fire protection).

Site Access / Parking: A logistics plan has been created for the project that details delivery routes, employee access, and parking. Limited on-site parking, employees to find street parking.

Job Safety Analysis (JSA): The Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be written as the first order of business every morning by the Riggs/Consigli Forman, presented and discussed with all the workers under that forman, and signed by all. The original copy shall be uploaded into Procore with a copy kept in the field with the foreman and his crew. The JSA is to be done daily with a foreman review at the end of the day. The end of day review will highlight any incidents or changes noted. Once again, all workers should initial it at this point in time

Demolition: Prior to the start of demo operations, all subcontractors are required to review the hazardous material report. The demo contractor will be responsible for completing CCC demo checklist prior to the start of any work in their target areas.

**Review Chapter 4 for more detail

Fall Protection: All work over 6 feet will require some form of fall protection in accordance with Consigli fall protection policy. CCC to use Garlock temporary railings at roof for fall protection.

**Review Chapter 13 for more detail

Work on Ladders: All work on step ladders/straight ladders will be done correctly per manufacturer’s recommendations. Any worker who is on a step/straight ladder and could be exposed to a fall greater than the height of their work on the ladder will be required to tie off. Only ladders with a rating Type 1A or 1AA will be allowed on Consigli projects.**Review Chapter 4 for more detail

Scaffold and elevated work platforms: When used, scaffolds will be inspected daily before each shift by a competent person designated by each contractor using it. The inspections will be documented on the Consigli inspection checklist.** Please review chapter 14 for additional details.

Aerial/Scissor Lifts: Area and ground conditions in the intended work area will be inspected for overhead power lines, sink holes, covers, or any other unsafe condition which causes the potential for an incident. Aerial and scissor lift platforms will be inspected daily before each shift by a competent person designated by each individual contractor who will be using it. All contractors who will be performing work from an aerial lift will show documented proof of training for all workers who will be using said lift. Workers will be tied off at all times when using an aerial lift.**Review chapter 24 for more detail

Chemical and Materials: All Materials and chemicals used on-site will have a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provided before being brought onsite.
• SDS sheets on file in Consigli Construction’s Site Safety Plan
• All SDS sheets shall be readily accessible.

** Please review chapter 20 for additional details.

Fire Protection: A detailed NFPA 241 plan will be created for the project and updated as required. All hot work to be conducted on this project will be done with the Consigli hot work permit program fully implemented. This will be coordinated through Consigli as well as the local Fire Department (if required).**Review Chapter 17 for more detail.

Electrical: All electrical tools, cords and equipment must be in good working order. To that end, all electrical tools and components must be visually checked on a daily basis. Any tools with damaged cords or damaged cords must be taken out service immediately. If necessary, lock-out/tag-out procedures will be reviewed with the building facilities staff regarding control of the keys and shut-down requests.All temporary power for the project will be installed on protected and dedicated circuits with 100% GFCI protection. No live electrical work will be conducted per NFPA 70E.

**Review Chapter 26 for more detail

Utility Exposures/Excavations: Utility locations shall be determined by Dig-Safe andprivate survey as well as any “as-built” drawings prior to any excavation work conducted on the property. If an excavation nears identified utility lines, hand digging methods must be used to find the exact location of the utility in question.

Designated First Aid Plan: Consigli Construction shall follow Site Safety Plan for first Aid. Report any incidents to the Safety Director.

** Please review chapter 1 and 27 for additional details.

Evacuation Plan (RACE, and Routes of Egress): Please refer to the Evacuation Plansattached. All contractors’ employees shall attend the Consigli Construction ProjectOrientation. Consigli Construction’s Project Superintendent shall conduct safety orientation training with each employee and project subcontractors. Training will involve site specific safety and evacuation protocol.

Emergency Management Response: In the event of an Emergency the construction workers shall leave the building immediately. Point of assembly/muster shall be on the site evacuation plan. In the Event of a DISASTER, the Superintendent shall instruct the construction workers to leave the site or remain in place and await further instruction.

The following steps should be taken in the event of an emergency. When reporting an emergency, please provide the following:
• Your location: phone number, and name
• Site Address
• Nature and extent of the incident (injury, accident, spill, smoke/fire, damage, etc.);
• The name and amount of the material spilled (if applicable); and
• The safest route to the spill (if applicable).

** Please review chapter 8 for additional details.

Restricted Areas: Contractors are prohibited from entering any areas outside of the project unless work has been previously authorized and scheduled. All workers must limit their impact on surrounding areas to the largest extent feasible. All deliveries shall be made at: E side loading dock

Do not stage deliveries or trucks on the active parking lot outside of the building.

Lean requirements/Materials Management/Housekeeping: All deliveries are to bescheduled with the CCC Superintendent. A comprehensive Activity Hazard Analysis shall be done on all materials that will be hoisted and placed into the building. Only materials which will be used/installed within three days’ time will be delivered to the site. Attention must be paid to structural analysis in regards to loading existing floors with material and equipment.

**Review Chapter 4 for more details

Environmental Issues: IAQ (indoor air quality): If this project will occur in an occupied building, a baseline survey of the air quality will be completed. Dust control, housekeeping, and frequent monitoring will ensure no impact on the air quality for the existing building occupants.** Please review chapter 29 for additional details

Asbestos: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL SUBCONTRACTOR FOREMEN TOREVIEW THE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REPORT & CORRESPONDING ABATEMENT REPORT WITH THEIR WORKERS. A copy of the hazardous Material/abatement report will be on site at all times and available to anyone request it. All work and disposal will be done in compliance with state and federal regulations and standards. If any suspect building product is not identified on the hazardous materials report, follow-up sampling must be conducted.

Back End of Site Safety Plan



Environmental Emergency Contact and Management Response


Consigli’s identified Emergency Response Subcontractor;Name: Cyn Environmental Services, Inc.
100 Tosca Drive Stoughton, Ma 02072

Lead: All Safety Orientations will include lead awareness and review of the hazmat report.

** Please review chapter 29 for additional details

Silica: Any activity which can produce silica dust will use engineering controls to keep dust to a minimum. A written exposure plan must be developed for all silica producing tasks.

Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s (PCBs): Light ballast unless labeled “No PCB’S” will bedesignated PCB containing, All PCB containing material shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with all local, state (MEMEP Special waste management rules 06-096-CMR 400) and federal regulations and be coordinated with BIDMC. All other inquiries or locations in regards to PCB containing material can be located in the Hazardous Material survey. If identified on any of the materials to be impacted, PCB‘s will be abated. Any and all PCB remediation will be performed by a licensed /qualified contractor

Mold: If mold is discovered, Consigli’s mold remediation policy will be implemented and followed.** Please review chapter 22 for additional details

Noise: Noise exposure will also be a concern so all deliveries must be coordinated with the Superintendent to limit their impact on the surrounding areas. Normal working hours will be between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm Mon-Fri. Any contractor who may need to work late must first seek approval from the Superintendent. Consigli permissible noise policy and procedures will be followed.

** Please review chapter 29 for additional details

Heavy Equipment: All operators will be required to have in their possession all appropriate licensing and training as required by OSHA and the Commonwealth of MA.

** Please review chapter 24 for additional details

Adjacent Property: All efforts will be made to ensure that property and roadways adjacent to the work, area remains un-impacted. It is anticipated that all work will be in the designated work areas within the site fence. Any deviation from that will require consultation with the Superintendent.

Exposure to Street Traffic: All speed limits will be obeyed, and deliveries will be made as to coincide with working hours. All traffic control signage will meet MUTCD requirements before being installed. Fire dept. access will be maintained and kept open for emergency responders.

Site Orientation: All individuals working on this project will receive a comprehensive Safety Orientation which will cover all company safety rules regulations and procedures as well as communicating Consigli specific requirements.

Back End of Environmental Emergency Contact and Management Response