Environmental Contacts

Consigli Identified Emergency Response Subcontractor

Cynn Environmental Services, Inc.
100 Tosca Drive
Stoughton, MA 02072
(781) 341-1777

Environmental Issues

Asbestos :

A Hazardous Materials report has been prepared by Axiom Partners. Asbestos has been identified in the building. Asbestos abatement will be completed by a licensed/certified contractor. Locations for asbestos include: Joint Compound, Windows and sealants, and the roof parapet cap mastic. The complete table and “List of Materials tested, Quantities, and Locations” can be found with the hazardous material report. This does not mean that asbestos could not still be found in other areas, caution must be used when working and if any workers identify any potentially hazardous substances then they should stop and notify their supervisor immediately. All identified asbestos will be fully abated by a licensed and regulated asbestos abatement contractor under a formal plan to be written, submitted and in accordance with the

IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL SUBCONTRACTOR FOREMEN TO REVIEW THE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REPORT & CORRESPONDING ABATEMENT REPORTWITH THEIR WORKERS. A copy of the hazardous Material/abatement report will be on site at all times and available to anyone request it. All work and disposal will be done in compliance with state and federal regulations and standards. All workers on this project must have completed Asbestos awareness training prior to starting on this project.

Lead :
A Hazardous Materials report has been completed and has identified lead paint on existing handrails. Consigli workers who will need to perform work on these painted surfaces may need to disturb this paint by drilling, sawing, demo, fastening, or carpentry. In doing so they will use saws, drills, screw guns, impact wrenches, sawzalls, hand wrenches, ads, crowbars, hammers, and other hand tools. Consigli Construction does posses historical data to show that drilling, sawing, light demo, installation of hangers, hanging sheetrock, fastening, and carpentry do not put the employee above the action level. Despite this additional monitoring will be done.An exposure assessment will be done by all subcontractors for all task prior to when the full scale of this work is to take place.This does not mean that lead could not still be found in other areas, caution must be used when working and if any workers identify any potentially hazardous substances then they should stop and notify their supervisor immediately. All workers on this must have completed Lead Awareness training prior to starting on this project. Hand wash stations will be provided to ensure proper hygiene during the project. An exposure assessment will also be done for any task which will disturb any lead containing material.

Silica :

Any activity which can produce silica dust will use engineering controls to keep dust to a minimum. A written exposure plan must be developed for all silica producing tasks that clearly defines the following: 1) A description of the tasks in the workplace that involve exposure to respirable crystalline silica; 2) A description of the engineering controls, work practices, and respiratory protection used to limit employee exposure to respirable crystalline silica for each task; 3) A description of the housekeeping measures used to limit employee exposure to respirable crystalline silica; and 4) A description of the procedures used to restrict access to work areas, when necessary, to minimize the number of employees exposed to respirable crystalline silica and their level of exposure, including exposures generated by other employers.

There will be no dry cutting of any masonry material allowed; if water cannot be used then a dustless vacuum system consisting of HEPA dustless vacuum system will be used. Prior to the project going full scale an exposure assessment of a worker grinding and cutting masonry while using the HEPA system an exposure assessment will be done so as to establish the silica exposure level. No respirators will be issued without the express consent of the Consigli Safety department. Nuisance mask like an N95 if used will be on a voluntary basis and at no time will these types of mask be issued to the workers.

Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s (PCBs):
At this time there are no activity’s which are planned which would disturb any surface with suspect amounts of PCB’s… This does not mean that regulated levels of PCB’s could not still be found in other areas, caution must be used when working and if any workers identify any potentially hazardous substances then they should stop and notify their supervisor immediately.
Light ballast unless labeled “No PCB’S” will be designated PCB containing, All PCB containing material shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with all local, state (MEMEP Special waste management rules 06-096-CMR 400) and federal regulations and be coordinated with BIDMC. All other inquiries or locations in regards to PCB containing material can be located in the Hazardous Material survey. If identified on any of the materials to be impacted, PCB‘s will be abated. Any and all PCB remediation will be performed by a licensed /qualified contractor

** Please review chapter 29 for additional details

Freon/Glycol :
All Freon/Glycol materials will be removed from equipment and stored per manufacturer’s recommendations before it is disturbed, moved or removed. All workers who will be working with the above mentioned materials must provide CCC with certifications or qualifications. If not re-used, a disposal manifest will be provided to CCC.

Mold :

Mold issues are not anticipated to be prevalent on this project, however if mold is discovered Consigli’s mold remediation policy will be implemented and followed.
** Please review chapter 22 for additional details

Mercury :

All fluorescent lamps/thermostats are presumed to contain mercury vapor, which is a hazardous substance. Mercury-containing lamps associated with fluorescent light fixtures in areas designated to be renovated will be treated accordingly. All florescent bulbs removed during renovation will be collected, properly stored on site, and either given to the school’s facilities department or collected by an outside vendor to be recycled or disposed of properly.

Noise :

Noise exposure will be a concern so all operations must be coordinated with the Consigli Superintendent to limit any excess noise impact on the surrounding areas. All activity r task which may cause load noise will be restricted as needed so as to limit the impact on Guest/Members.
** Please review chapter 29 for additional details

Exposure to the Visitors, Staff, and Residents

During all phases of construction pedestrian walkways around the project will be open and occupied. Some areas of project will be opened for construction at different times. Any pedestrian walkway under any type of scaffold or overhead hazard will be provided with overhead protection. At no time is any worker allowed to enter any of the adjacent buildings. Non fraternization with staff, members and students will be stressed with all subcontractor personnel during orientations.

The project team will meet with the staff before the project start to review any site specific safety and health requirements. The project team shall be an integrated mix of owner, architect, engineer and Consigli Construction personnel. If, after reviewing programs and meeting with the individuals, the team is satisfied with the risk control direction, personnel will be permitted to begin work. Prior to start of any work, all personnel involved in the project, including project managers must be trained and given site orientation by Consigli Construction. Stickers will be issued and displayed on hard hats.