Evacuation Plan

UMMHC Cage Wash – University Campus

55 Lake Ave. North Worcester, MA 01655

The following procedures will be ordered for emergencies (collapse, explosion, fire).  Person/persons discovering emergency shall take the following actions:

  • To report a fire, pull the nearest pull station and call campus police by dialing (508)856-3296 from your cell phone, or 911 from and in-house phone.
  • Contact Consigli Superintendent: Sean Dillon- (508)922-6768

                Project Manager Mark Morrow – (774)573-9145

Emergency Procedures.

  • Emergencies will be announced through the building alarm and audible speaker system.
  • When an emergency is announced in the construction area or floor and building where the construction area is located, follow the EXIT signs to evacuate the building via the nearest exit route.
  • After an emergency evacuation, employees are directed to gather on the sidewalk located along the main front Remillard Family entrance of the UMass Memorial Medical Center (photo)
  • If the emergency is announced in a separate floor or building in the hospital, work will stop to secure all materials and machinery and work crews will “shelter in place” while awaiting further instruction or the “All Clear” announcement.
  • Portable fire extinguishers are provided if fire is in incipient/budding phase only.
  • Superintendent, Sean Dillon and any other trained individual on site, may perform first aid on any injured person once outside evacuated area.
  • Superintendent Sean Dillon, or a CCC designee, will be responsible for accounting for all CCC employees on site and contacting the UMMHC Consol.  
  • Superintendent Sean Dillon, or the CCC designee,will be responsible for knowing what subcontractors are on site at all times. A representative from each subcontractor will be responsible for accounting for their employees and notifying Sean Dillon or the CCC representative. For further assistance with emergency evacuation procedures, you may contact Safety Director Dan Della-Giustina at (508)686-6008.

Muster Point

Back End of Evacuation Plan and Muster Point