Evacuation Plan

# 2291 Mathworks South Side Renovation

1 Apple Hill Drive Natick, MA 01876

An evacuation will be ordered for life threatening emergencies (collapse, explosion, fire).  Person discovering emergency shall take the following actions:

  • Immediately dial 911
  • Contact Consigli Superintendent: Mike Oliveri  (774)217-1416

Evacuation order shall be:

  • Alerting all workers by the sounding of three long blasts of an air horn. 
  • Workers must stop and secure all work and machinery, including all hoisted materials, and evacuate the building immediately by use of the nearest exit.
  • Critical operations shutdown procedures (unless listed above) are not required, because no employees are authorized to delay evacuation for this purpose.
  • Portable fire extinguishers are provided if fire is in incipient/budding phase only.
  • Superintendent, and any other trained individual on site, is responsible for performing first aid on any injured person once outside evacuated area. 
  • After an emergency evacuation, employees are directed to gather at muster point located in the fence in lay down yard. (See picture below)  
  • Superintendent Mike Oliveri or a CCC designee will be responsible for accounting for all CCC employees on site.
  • Superintendent Mike Oliveri, or the CCC designee, will be responsible for knowing what subcontractors are on site at all times. A representative from each subcontractor will be responsible for accounting for their employees and notifying Mike Oliveri or the CCC representative. For further assistance with emergency evacuation procedures, you may contact Safety Director Dan Della-Giustina at (508)686-6008.

          Muster Point

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