Evacuation Plan

MHA – Saltonstall

 Project #2746

An evacuation will be ordered for life threatening emergencies (collapse, explosion, fire).  Person/persons discovering emergency shall take the following actions:

Evacuation order shall be:

  • Alerting all workers by the sounding of three long blasts of an air horn or building alarm.    
  • Workers must stop and secure all work and machinery, including all hoisted materials, and evacuate the building immediately by use of the nearest exit.
  • Critical operations shutdown procedures (unless listed above) are not required, because no employees are authorized to delay evacuation for this purpose.
  • Portable fire extinguishers are provided if fire is in incipient/budding phase only.
  • Superintendent, Steven Thulin, and any other trained individual on site, is responsible for performing first aid on any injured person once outside evacuated area.
  • After an emergency evacuation, employees are directed to gather next the office trailer located in the laydown area of the site.
  • Steven Thulin, or a CCC designee, will be responsible for accounting for all CCC employees on site.
  • Superintendent Steven Thulin, or the CCC designee, will be responsible for knowing which subcontractors are on site at all times. A representative from each subcontractor will be responsible for accounting for their employees and notifying Steven Thulin or the CCC representative.
  • For further assistance with emergency evacuation procedures, you may contact Safety Director Bryan Kingsbury (508)808-9359.

Back End of Evacuation Plan and Muster Point